The field of neuropathology is often considered to be one of the most complex areas of pathology. General pathologists as well as forensic pathologists, neuropathologists and paediatric pathologists are frequently presented with complex forensic neuropathology issues, and significant advances in the understanding of head injury, as well as other br

Anatomy of the head and neck Techniques Scalp, facial and gunshot injuries Adult skull fractures Intracranial haematomas: extradural and subdural Subarachnoid haemorrhage and cerebro-vascular pathology Contusional brain injury and intracerebral haemorrhage: traumatic and non-traumatic Primary traumatic brain injury Brain swelling and oedema, raised intracranial pressure, and the non-perfused brain Spinal injuries Difficult areas in forensic neuropathology: homicide, suicide or accident Head injury in the child Non-traumatic neurological conditions in medicoa legal work Alcohol, drugs and toxins Clinical aspects of head injury The role of the expert witness