The greatest complexity of the immune response is shown by vertebrates which are endowed with innate and acquired immunity. Immunological studies performed mostly in mammals have been the reference for studies in other vertebrates. The study of immunological fish defenses has advanced considerably in recent decades. This has been due to the key status of fish in terms of the evolution of acquired immunity and due to the rapid expansion of aquaculture over this period, wherein disease control is of prime concern. Most of the chapters not only review the current advances on fish immune defenses, but also show perspective for future research. The book will be of interest to scientists involved in fish immunology, fisheries and aquaculture as well as for students of fish biology.

Fish Cytokines: Discovery, Activities and Potential; Leukocytes and Cytokines Present in Fish Testis: A Review; The Cellular and Developmental Biology of the Teleost Antibody Response; Present and Future of the Use of CpG ODNs in Aquaculture: A Review; Innate Immunity of Fish: Antimicrobial Responses of Fish Macrophages; Immune Defense Mechanisms in the Sea Bass Dicentrarchus Labrax L.; Immunoglobulin Genes of Teleosts: Discovery of New Immunoglobulin Class; Antimicrobial Peptides of the Innate Immune System; Estrogens, Estrogen Receptors and their Role as Immmunoregulators in Fish; Immune Response of Fish to Eukaryotic Parasites