Long before Apollo 11 blasted off for the moon, astronauts Neil Armstrong, "Buzz" Aldrin and Michael Collins simulated actual space conditions to prepare their bodies for the long voyage to earth's only natural satellite. And before some U.S. professional athletes compete on another continent, they alter their eating and sleeping patterns to adapt

PREFACE. BIOLOGICAL CLOCK: FACTS AND HOOPLA. Facts and Superstition. Biorhythms, Pregnancy Predestination, and Aging. Biological Rhythms. CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS: PHYSIOLOGY AND BEHAVIOR. Daily and Circadian Rhythms. The Operation of the Clock. Environmental Influences. Complex Parameters. CIRCADIAN PACEMAKER: NEUROSCIENCE AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY. Physical Location of the Clock. Neurophysiology and Pharmacology of the Clock. Molecular Structure of the Clock. CHRONOBIOLOGY: BUSINESS AND HEALTH CARE. Jet Lag and Shift Work. Sleep Disorders. Depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder. Other Applications. DOING IT YOURSELF: SOFTWARE FOR DATA ANALYSIS AND SIMULATION.