Lack of accidents does not necessarily mean safe operation. You may have been lucky. You may have had near misses, but fortune smiled and you had few accidents. Measuring accidents provides one segment of the safety picture, but it is a far cry from evaluating and creating overall safety. Rather than giving you accident statistics and the admonition "you need a program," Agricultural Safety shows you how to "do" safety. The book sets forth the steps you need to take to make safety a part of your everyday farming operation, such as:

- Identification of key safety activities that will lead to better control of losses
- Setting standards and guidelines for doing that work
- Measurement of the effectiveness of the work being done in accordance with the standards and guidelines
- Evaluating program progress based upon measurements taken
- Correcting deficiencies based on the evaluation(s)

The author covers topics such as machinery operation, maintenance and repair techniques, fire loss control techniques, the safe handling of agrochemicals, and techniques involving the handling of animals. He provides you with a step-by-step manual for the procurement, handling, and storage of agrochemicals and pesticides as well as a guide to personal protective equipment and reviews safety for "third parties" and the posting of property and public warnings.
To achieve safety, the work of safety must be done, measured for efficiency, evaluated in real-world terms, and corrective action taken, as needed, in a timely manner. Many books on safety provide a list of dos and don'ts. Agricultural Safety discusses the ways and means of managing and controlling accidental loss and shows you how to build safety into your operation.

The Agricultural Setting. Building and Grounds Safety. Agricultural Chemical Safety. Safe Equipment Operation-Rolling Stock. Grain Storage Safety. Chemical Procurement, Handling, and Storage. Fueling Operations. Haul Road Maintenance. Animal Safety. The Hired Hands. Working Around Wild Animals and Noxious Plants. Changes in Work with Change in Seasons. Liability on the Farm.