Detailing interrelated topics, this work addresses issues and concerns related to plant and crop stress. This edition includes information on pH stress, temperature stress, water-deficit conditions, carotenoids and stress, light stress, pollution stress, agrichemical stress, oxidative damage to proteins, UV-B induced stress and abiotic stress toler

(Section headings only): soil salinity, sodicity, low/high Ph, and soil nutrient deficiency problems; plants, crops, and stressful conditions; plants and crops responses under salt, drought, heat, temperature, light, and other stressful conditions; plants and crops responses under pollution stress; plants and crops responses under agrichemical stress conditions; molecular biology and microbiological aspects of plant responses under salt, drought, and other environmental stress conditions; genetic factors and plant/crop stress; examples of empirical investigations of specific plants and crops grown under salt, drought, and other environmental stress conditions; future promises - plants and crops adaptation and cultivation under stressful conditions; climatic changes, elevated carbon dioxide, and plant/crop responses; beneficial aspects of stress.